Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Alternative Formats

I loved the printed word. The crisp feel of a page under my fingertips. The stark, clean lines of text printed on the page. The rich smell of new books. The act of reading a book engages all of my senses. So why then am I drawn to all of the alternative formats for books?

Tonight, my husband and I did comparison shopping for a reader, such as a Kindle, Nook, or iPad. Though we are both avid book readers, playing with the new technology was a heady feeling. The way we were able to pan a page, zoom in or out on the text size, or flip quickly through different texts was engaging. In addition, I love audio books. While I run, take a walk, or even clean house, I can still engage my brain in a good book. Those audio books make even the dullest tasks more exciting.

I wonder how the rise of alternative formats for books will affect children's literature. Students today are technology-savvy, seemingly born with the skills necessary to adapt to any type of technology. How will the printed book measure up for them? As they grow from picture books into chapter books, will the lure of other formats appeal to them as it does to me? What can librarians do to teach them the powerful connection in a printed word and the ease of technology without failing one form?

1 comment:

  1. I downloaded the free kindle app to my iPhone and have purchased two books so far. I like having the book available to me everywhere I go. I feel the same as you about the "printed word," but I also am enjoying my iPhone kindle.

    My friend questioned the screen size and whether that was bothersome, but when I get "into" a book, I don't even notice the screen size, I just keep touching the screen to turn the page.

    All that being said, I still want to have the physical book in my hand at times. As you said, it engages all my senses.

    I am including a link to a relevant article.

    Enjoyed your blog!

    Michelle Arnold
